June 2015
In dry season, waves on West side get’s bigger in Bali. Since yesterday big surf is rolling into the Kuta beach. Heard Padang padang located further South of Kuta had triple over head waves yesterday… Gnarly…
It is still possible to surf on the big day. Our surf school choose safest time to do the lessons, according to the ocean tide. But all you who wishes to surf on your own, please be careful…
As you already know, Bali is Tropical Island. For many of you live in or have visited tropical area before, faunas here are thriving. So mosquitoes too. Since mosquitoes in Tropical zone carry many deadly diseases like dengue fever, sometimes malaria mosquito prevention is necessary in Bali also. Very busy Kuta area is no exception. We sometimes get bitten in the surf school’s office they hide under the desk…
So far, the best(and also fun) way to prevent the bite is THIS!!
Mosquito Racket.
You simply turn the switch on, and press the button to transmit electricity through the metal net and swing it towards mosquitoes. And any mosquitoes that touches the metal netting get electrocuted with small explosion(I think its fun). With no harmful chemical, or big effort, seems this Racket(about Rp50000~Rp120000) is the best way to prevent mosquito bites and enjoy Bali’s epic waves without diseases…
Hi, everybody.
Just Yesterday, I had a chance to join the photo shoot of some sort…
Theme is to have sunset dinner. So I went to Sheraton Bali Kuta Resort for this great opportunity. To be honest, you will start under look the beauty of Kuta beach at sunset time if you see it everyday and stack in the traffic around that time. Then I saw this view from the roof top of the restaurant in Sheraton.
Well sorry for the picture quality… but How beautiful it is.
You can see everything from here. Beach, Surf, Airport, etc…
For all you who lives here or not, its MUST to visit here at least once to see the beautiful sunset and different view of Kuta.
Welcome to our new official blog. As you know(I hope you know…)we are surf school + surf guide located in heart of Kuta, Bali Indonesia.
Selamat Datang means “Welcome” in Indonesian. For all you who haven’t been here in Bali, I would like you to feel and see the true colour of this island that you can’t see unless you have been here. And all you whom been here or are here in Bali, I would like you to know something more about Bali’s every day life.
To start with, Kuta beach entrance got new sign up. Nice(It just appeared pretty much over night, out of nowhere…) Couldn’t help but to take pictures.
Surf Trips in Bali for intermediate and advanced surfers!! >>read more
Dekom Bali Surf School in a larger map
Monthly Sample Schedule
(Bigginer Course)